Mt. Ellis Academy. What do you think of when you hear that name? Do you think of mountains, Montana, and its great outdoor recreation, friends, teachers, or just another boarding school? Here are some of the ideas shared by the Seniors of ’84. They think of a friendly school with mountains and skiing. They think of a school with a good reputation for its great family atmosphere due to its small, but mighty size. They think of a place where they laughed, cried, felt depressed, felt joy, and all the other human emotions. A place where they grew up, changed, and matured. And as they look back to their years at Mt. Ellis, they will remember their jobs and classes. But even more, they will remember their friends. They will remember the fun times and the bad times they experienced together that strengthened their friendships. And some will remember their teachers as friends who really cared and helped them during this growing, changing, maturing period of their lives.
Mt. Ellis Academy is here to provide skiing, friends, scenery, and a family atmosphere. But the main reason for the existence of Mt. Ellis Academy is to guide each student in their awareness of Christ’s statement of each person’s duty: to love God, to love others, and to love one’s self….We are being changed into HIS likeness (II Chor 3:18). Mt. Ellis Academy is a place to make that kind of change.
Excerpted from the 1984 Ellisonian
Please join us for Alumni Homecoming, April 19-21. We can’t wait to welcome you back on campus. For details regarding the weekend and to register go here: